Written by Chris Goodell, P.E., D. WRE | WEST Consultants
Copyright © RASModel.com. 2010. All rights reserved.
Not sure if this will be changed for the soon-to-be-released version 4.1, but for now, the option to drop flow from a lateral structure into multiple cross sections is a little awkward.
First thing you do is specify that you want to drop your lateral flows into cross sections. Then set your upstream TW river station (the downstream one will be greyed out).
Then, go to the Weir/Embankment editor for your lateral structure. At the bottom left, you'll see weir stationing reference. Select TW flow goes: "over multiple XS's". Then on the right hand side you'll see a table for specifying weir stationing for your TW cross sections.

Copyright © RASModel.com. 2010. All rights reserved.
Not sure if this will be changed for the soon-to-be-released version 4.1, but for now, the option to drop flow from a lateral structure into multiple cross sections is a little awkward.
First thing you do is specify that you want to drop your lateral flows into cross sections. Then set your upstream TW river station (the downstream one will be greyed out).
Then, go to the Weir/Embankment editor for your lateral structure. At the bottom left, you'll see weir stationing reference. Select TW flow goes: "over multiple XS's". Then on the right hand side you'll see a table for specifying weir stationing for your TW cross sections.
Storage area connected to a XS, an inline structure at least 2 cross sections away from the upstream end and then the boundary condition defined as a Lateral Inflow.
ReplyDeleteIs this a way to simulate a dam with a reservoir upstream? Instead of simulating the reservoir with cross sections (dynamic routing).
YES! That's the way. The trick is making sure RAS recognizes the storage area as "connected" to the XS. You do that by turning on the "move object" mode in the geometry, and then clicking and dragging the end of the reach to a point inside of the storage area.
ReplyDeleteSo there is nothing wrong (hydraulically speaking) to put the boundary condition as a lateral inflow at the XS located after this connection (SA to XS)?
ReplyDeleteTechnically nothing wrong with that, although if you want to route the flow through the reservoir, to see the reservoir's affect on attenuation of the flow, then it would be better to add the lateral inflow to the Storage Area itself, rather than the cross section. That's how I do it. Just make sure your pilot flow at the dam is consistent with the base flow in your lateral inflow hydrograph. And also make sure you set an internal RS initial stage (unsteady flow data editor, under Options...) at the cross section just upstream of the dam that is consistent with the initial conditions storage area elevation.
ReplyDeleteCan this method of lateral structure flows into multiple cross sections be used to put a storage area behind the lateral weir in order to do a level pool routing breach lateral to the reach? Didn't find yet where or whether a storage area can be connected to a lateral weir to input a flows laterally into a reach, not the opposite way of modeling flow out of a reach over a lateral structure and into a storage area. Thanks
ReplyDeleteJon-Great question! And yes, you can do it. Set up the lateral structure in the reach and connect it to the storage area. When the storage area exceeds the threshold breach elevation, the lateral structure will breach. RAS monitors both sides of the lateral structure for a water surface that exceeds the breach threshold. Be aware, that discharges through the breach will be listed with negative values since flow is going from the SA to the reach. I put an example RAS project that demonstrates this on my Dropbox site. Feel free to download it.
Thank you for the response Chris. Got everything running great thanks to your example.
DeleteYou're welcome.
DeleteThe referenced HEC-RAS data set is now located at: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0bpiyLiUeRXellfVG81TGRXVWM&usp=sharing
DeleteHello Chris, do you mind putting the breachSAto reach zipfile back into dropbox? I am working on a similar project. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSorry about that. Everything got moved into a Google Drive Space (more free GBs!). Here is the new link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0bpiyLiUeRXellfVG81TGRXVWM&usp=sharing
ReplyDeleteI am modeling a river where there is a power canal separated by a lateral structure in HEC-RAS.
1. I have laid out the canal as a river tributary. Is this a correct approach? Is there any other approach to better represent the system?
2. Modeling as a tributary creates a junction where the river and the canal meets. Now, I am not being able to draw a lateral weir across this junction. Whenever I put the Head water (HW) River station, no reach thalweg appears as supposed to. Can I go modeling without this structure?
1. Sounds like a good approach to me.
Delete2. You can leave the junction there if it makes sense physically. It sounds like you are hesitant about connecting with a junction. You could have 2 separate and parallel reaches, connected in multiple locations with lateral structures. Each reach would have to have its own upstream and downstream boundaries, but that's easy to do.
Thanks Chris. Just another related question, can I somehow merge two river reaches into one reach (by eliminating the junction) and somehow save all the cross section data? I can not imagine drawing the layout again!!
ReplyDeleteYes, just left click on the junction and choose "Delete Junction".
DeleteGood Afternoon Chris, I have a question regarding the combined use of inline and lateral structures. I am working on a model where the reach "Zs" across a roadway. That is, the reach runs parallel to the roadway upstream of the inline structure, crosses the roadway at a skew through the inline structure, and then resumes parallel to the roadway downstream of the inline structure. Assume the roadway grade is flat. What is the best way to model this - a lateral structure upstream of the inline structure, ending just upstream of the inline structure with flow connected to downstream cross sections? How would cross sections be drawn for this - cross sections ending at the CL of roadway (assume to by high point)? If the roadway is flat do I just propagate the inline structure roadway profile to the bounding lateral structure cross sections (thus capturing all over-the-road flow by either lateral structure weir flow or inline roadway weir flow)? I realize this will likely result in the inline structure cross sections being bound by frictionless walls at the edges of the cross section. Please advise if a more detailed description/sketch would be helpful. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI think you are on the right track. If it's strictly a low flow model, no overtopping of the roadway, then just draw your cross sections perpendicular to the flow lines, terminating at the CL of the roadway. You may have to dogleg them to make the turn through the bridge opening.
DeleteIf you expect overtopping, and that is what you are most interested, then yes, I think a lateral structure would work well. But there are any number of ways to set this up, depending on the terrain around the bridge, and where you expect the water to go during high flow. For example, will some of it continue to flow parallel along the roadway, while some overtops? Will it all go over upstream of the opening? If you want to link me to a sketch, or even an aerial photo, I'd be happy to give you my recommendation for cross section/structure layout.
Thanks for the timely response Chris!
DeleteThat would be fantastic if you could look at an aerial, I would greatly appreciate any recommendations you might have. Here is a public link to a Google Drive stored pdf:
I appreciate your time.
Here's my suggestion. Keep in mind this is from me sitting at my desk, never having been to the site. Hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteI am working on a project where there are two parallel stream channel that have the potentional to influence one another when larger storms occur. I have two questions:
1. I setup geometry to use lateral structures across multiple cross-sections to convey the flow from one reach to the other. Does a lateral structures need to be input to allow flow conveyance in either direction or can one be used.
2. When running steady flow analysis the following statement results..."In reach 2 the lateral weir extends past the tailwater reach." Why does this occur and how can this be resolved.
1. You can have just one lateral structure between the streams. Flow can go both directions over a lateral structure. If it's a long reach, you may want to break it up into multiple lateral structures though.
Delete2. Sounds like your tailwater connection is not consistent with the reach on the tailwater side of the lateral structure. You have to go into the tailwater connection table and make sure that the tailwater reach's reach lengths are consistent with the stationing of the lateral structure weir. It's very confusing, so it's helpful to sketch out your reaches, cross sections, and weir stationing to find the problem.
I am having trouble with the same issue--specifically what you discuss in your second point above. What do you mean by consistent lengths between tailwater connection and the weir length? Do they need to be the same length? I have been working on this for several hours now and cannot seem to get this error message to go away...
Deleteany help would be appreciated.
I am having the same problem with lateral structures being too long. Can you describe what the relationship needs to be between weir length and tailwater connection? Thanks!
Each tailwater river station that receives flow needs to be tied to a stationing on the lateral structure. That's what the TW Connection table does. If the stationing on the lateral structure is longer than what you allow in the TW Connection table, the weir can extend beyond the end of the tailwater reach. That's the genesis of that error message. As I said, it can be very confusing, especially the first time you do this. I've found that sketching out the two reaches and the lateral structure and where it is all connected can really help to understand how to set this up correctly.
DeleteHello Chris, I have two roadside ditches on either side of a road. I am using a lateral structure along the centerline of the road to simulate flow from one ditch overtopping the road and flowing into the other ditch on the other side of the road. I don't quite understand what the "upstream TW river station" is referring to. Is it the most upstream cross section in the receiving ditch that the flow will spill into?
ReplyDeleteI have model with fish passage where water should flows into the fish passage directly by lateral structure. The lateral structure is connected with main river (headwater side) and with the fish passage (tailwater side) as next to left bank station (unfortunately HEC-RAS can't connect lateral structure tailwater side directly to the last XS of the river reach). Model works properly but I have no flow in fish passage beside initial flow 0.01 m3/s although detailed results table shows gate flow in lateral structure as 0.77 m3/s. Should I use the junction rather than the lateral structure in this case? Why I have no flow in fish passage?
The model is here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vkk7hnU0nzKl1JlhMp30olIfoOhysGGV
I'll be gratefull for your help.
Dear Chris, I have a question regarding breaching a lateral structure. Is it correct that only one combination of water level + duration can be set which determines the moment of breaching? Is it perhaps also possible to give multiple combinations of water levels and overtopping durations (e.g. with the use of scripts outside the Hec-ras interface?). Thank you in advance. Regards, Anouk
ReplyDeleteInteresting question! You are correct, RAS only allows one combination of water level and time duration. You could probably accomplish this by trying each water level + duration combination in a different plan. See which one breaches first, then just use that plan. The only way I can think of to do this with external code is to wrote a controlling routine that will run RAS for short durations (e.g. 1 minute). You would write a restart file after each short duration so you can start up a new simulation where you left off previously. In between simulations, check the water level and keep track of it. Then in your code, you can write some conditional statements to check the different combinations of water level and duration. Once one of them is exceeded, then have RAS set to breach. Sounds complicated though. I prefer my first suggestion.
DeleteDear Chris, thank you for your reply. I also have another question related to breaching a lateral structure. For my study I would like to breach a lateral structure at multiple locations and identify resulted flow patterns. However, is it correct that it is not possible to breach a single lateral structure at multiple locations? Do I have to split the structure into multiple lateral structures and then add the breaching criteria? Thank you in advance. Regards, Anouk
DeleteCorrect. One breach per lateral structure. You can try breaking it into multiple lateral structures or set up multiple plans, each with a different location.
ReplyDeleteI have a situation where there is a watershed overtopping point lateral to a bridge and I want to simulate that the water will overtop that point prior to overtopping my bridge but I am unable to put a lateral structure using the US bridge face as the US XS for the lateral structure. Do you have any suggestions?
Hey Chris,
ReplyDeleteWhat is the purpose of specifying the TW Position location (LOB, ROB, or next to L/R channel bank)? If you are already specifying the weir geometry, what does changing the TW Position location affect?
If you're delivering the flow to multiple XSs then the TW connections are a function of reach lengths. And reach lengths can be different between the overbanks and the main channel.
DeleteHai Criss, I faced this problem and I'm try to fixed it but it failed. Can you help me by showing what I need to do?
ReplyDeleteThe problem is :
For the Lateral Structure at
JCDS Reach1 30684
There is an error with the model data.
If the LS extend past the last çross section in the reach,
Shorten the LS or adjust the User Specific Intersections.
What should I do, Chriss?
As the error message indicates, you cannot have a lateral structure extend beyond the last cross section of a reach. So you must shorten your lateral structure so that it ends just before the last section in your reach.