
Friday, March 30, 2018

Webinar: The HECRAS Controller, A Powerful Feature of HEC-RAS Exposed

I'll be giving a free webinar on the HECRAS Controller through the Australian Water School on April 18 at 7:00 PM (pacific daylight time) which is April 19 11:30 AM (local time in Adelaide, Australia).

Unlock a multitude of custom applications for controlling and automating HEC-RAS

In this webinar, Chris explains the HECRASController, an application programming interface (API) that communicates with HEC-RAS, through a comprehensive library of programming procedures. You will gain an understanding of how to work with the HECRASController that are not otherwise available through the standard version of HEC-RAS. He also covers custom applications including an analysis example that allows the implementation of selected Australia Rainfall and Runoff (ARR2016) guidelines. As Chris is fond of saying, "if you can imagine it, it's likely you can do it with the HECRASController and a little programming skill".


  1. Hello Chris
    Glad to hear about this webinar. Can you inform us whether the webinar will be released later as a youtube video because in Europe the webinar starts really late at night. (In Greece it will be around 05:00 am).


    1. Hi Pavlos: please check with the ICEWaRM group. They made it sound like they’ll release the video.

  2. Thank you Chris. It is online:

  3. Chris- Looking forward to use the controllers in HECRAS. I am running multi-day simmulations of long reaches of a major river in 2D, and the models take multiple days to complete. Sometimes the model fails to write the results and it can be frustating, but the tools in you presented seem to be a solution to this problem. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You’re welcome! I always try to avoid simulations that take the long for those very reasons. Any chance you can insert some 1D reaches in the long river to reduce computation times? hope you are able to solve the issues you’re having.


  4. Hello Chris:
    Also glad to hear about your webinar. About the HecRas Controller, as new Versions appears (5.0.4 as the time of writing), you wiil update the Companion Excel Workbook to "Breaking the HEC-RAS Code", or the book itself?.

    1. Hi Ale. I really would like to. I have been working on keeping it updated, but my full time job keeps getting in the way! If you ever have questions let me know.


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